
Surely, I am Going to Hell

From BBC News:

"US skier to meet S Korean father:
Toby Dawson's story has made headlines in South Korea

A US skier whose Olympic medal brought to light his biological father is in South Korea for their first reunion.

28-year-old Toby Dawson admitted he felt a mixture of emotions as he prepared to meet Kim Jae-su, a bus driver from the port city of Busan.

Mr Kim said he lost his son while visiting a street market in 1981.

Mr Dawson's 2006 bronze medal, and the story of his adoption by a US couple, prompted dozens of South Koreans to claim they were his real parents.

Kim Jae-su, 53, said he had made the connection after friends and relatives called him, saying the skier looked just like him."

What, Asian?

...Like I said, surely headed for Hell.

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